Only £20 Per Person


On Demand £20 per person

Are you doing everything you can to protect vulnerable adults and young people?

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. It’s about protecting vulnerable groups such as children, young people and disabled adults from harm.

The safeguarding journey starts with safe recruitment and continues with:
an understanding of the latest legislation a good working knowledge of actions to be taken if harm or abuse is suspected practical procedures for reporting any issues and easy access to support.

Our 30-minute course provides learners with the confidence and know-how required to improve your organisation’s safeguarding culture.

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Price £20 For 1 person

to start your purchase simply click buy now


“Marshalls new course, ‘Let’s talk about race in the workplace’ is a real eye opener and so thought provoking.

I have so many notes and will make sure this appears on the agenda at our next board meeting. It’s ongoing and so important.

It’s crucial as a business owner to learn, understand and put positive actions and best practices in place.”

All courses are checked and endorsed by law firm Shakespeare Martineau. This ensures every OnDemand Elearning course is legally compliant and updated to include the latest legislation.


Marshall E-Learning provides a complete package of e-learning solutions: Expert advice to ensure your e-learning is a success through consultation and project management expertise. Read more